Monday, June 30, 2008

Wakeboard Nebraska Paper Bags Women

Ever heard of paper bagging it? Apparently they have and they think it is the best way to sell wakeboards, besides who needs to see their face, they are just objects right? Not only does this ad barely picture its product, it shows women as nothing more than attractive bodies in bikinis. When I first saw this ad I didn’t know what it was advertising. Even now I wonder if they are really trying to sell wakeboards. I know five women in bikinis and Mardi Gras beads wearing paper bags is exactly what I think of when I see a wakeboard. It is clear this ad is aimed at men and created by men because all it does is grab the attention of the consumer by showing attractive, scantily clad women wearing bags. They are nothing but objects, they have no faces, they aren’t real people. That is all this ad tells the consumer. It says nothing for wakeboards except that they will get you sex objects to admire that have no personality and are meant to be mere objects.

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