Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Slimfast Attacks Buyers

Apparently if a company has a product that claims to help you lose weight its okay for them to call you fat and make you feel horrible about yourself because they think you will buy more of their product if you hate yourself; who would have guessed? Not only does this ad play on women’s insecurities; it tells them you must be a certain size to be accepted. They even manage to play on the anxiety of the bride by showing her ripping her dress and even being too fat to be carried without collapsing into the cake. This company is telling women they have to be the perfect size to get married and they have to have Slimfast to do it. People who are trying to lose weight are probably insecure enough as it is so I find it odd, and horribly immoral for this company to play on the insecurities of women. What I find even worse is that they choose to play on these insecurities in a horribly mean way that if anything will make their consumers feel worse. “Need to lose a little weight before your wedding?” is what this ad says, no I don’t think you do, your husband will love you no matter your size and if he doesn’t he is not the man for you. Why would anyone buy from a company that is so cruel in their advertising. It is like Slimfast has become the bully of the weight loss world. If you can’t sell something in a positive way maybe you just shouldn’t be selling it.

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