Monday, June 30, 2008

Sexist Advertising Mania

After having read through many magazines and therefore many multitudes of advertisements I have come to the conclusion that advertising has become not only sex obsessed but highly offensive. I feel it that many of the advertisements that are now prominent in magazines are very degrading to women and I have chosen a few of these advertisements to show my point. Below is the image of each advertisement. I think it is very important for advertising companies to see these advertisements in a new light because these ads are offending many consumers and that causes great concern from an ethical and moral standpoint. In addition to the issues of offensiveness are the issues that the advertisers are more focused on, sales. The offensive nature of these ads will cause many consumers to be alienated by the companies and sales will then decrease. Now it is important for the advertising companies to look at each ad and learn the reasons these ads are offensive. Perhaps if possible I may suggest an alternate advertising possibility in addition to pointing out the problems. Hopefully after having read this blog the advertising companies will realize how offensive their ads are. Perhaps then they will stop these ads, if not because of offensiveness but at least because it will hurt sales.

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